
Tallahassee Bass Anglers Meeting Minutes 2/21/2012

Date: 2/21/2012

Attendance: John Rudolph, Mike Wheeler (P), Bob McCann, Roger Timmons, Billy Owens, Jason Junkin (P), Mike Thomas, John Vickers, Dick Durbin, Rick Johnson, Fred Jones, John Waugh, Don Gainey, Dallas Johnson, John Beal, John Harrison, Larry Morris (P), Charlie Melton

Meeting was called to order promptly at 7:30 pm.

Minutes of the prior meeting were accepted as posted on the web site.

Rick Johnson gave the Financial Report as follows:

Financial Report:   

Bank balance.............................................................................. $2,389.83

Cash............................................................................................... $613.20                      

Credits......................................................................................... $1,455.59

Total:.......................................................................................      $1,547.44

Cook’s Tackle system: Billy Owens passed around a product called the Cook’s Go-To tackle system and mentioned that if anyone was interested to talk with him so that we may combine a order to save money.

Tony Canington expressed frustrations as to what happened on the Toho trip (Classic)

John Vickers announced that all Talquin tourney permits for 2012 have been pulled for safe daylight till 4pm.

It was decided that Fred and Roger would be allowed to draw together for this tourney both going boat.

Dollar pot: won by Jason Junkin

It was voted that Apalachicola tourney would be held on Sunday from safe daylight till 3pm.

John Beal (b)      Brooks Woodward (P)

John Vickers (b)   Larry Morris (P)

John Rudolph (B)    Jason Junkin (P)

Dick Durbin (B)      Mike Wheeler (P)

Mike Thomas (B)    Don Gainey (NB)

Dallas Johnson (B)       Bob McCann (NB)

Billy Owens (B)           Rick Johnson   (B)

John Harrison (B)      John Waugh  (B)

Charlie Melton (B)     Tony Canington (B)

Fred Jones (B)        Roger Timmons (B)

Meeting ended at 8:15 pm.