Minutes June 5, 2012



June 5, 2012



Tony Canington, Dick Durbin, Don Gainey, John Harrison, Dallas Johnson, Fred Jones, Jason Junkin, Bob McCann, Larry Morris, Billy Owens, Hunter Peacock, John Rudolph, Mike Thomas, Roger Timmons,  John Vickers

Dallas Johnson introduced Les “The Frog Man” Shope who expressed a desire to pledge.


Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as posted on the web site.

Treasurer’s Report:

Rick Johnson was absent so there was no treasurer’s report.

Jason Junkin, having competed in three tournaments, was voted in as a full member.

John Vickers made a motion that the club do away with language in the rules pertaining to paper fish.  The motion was seconded by Dick Durbin.  After some discussion the motion carried with 11 affirmative votes.

John Vickers also reviewed the results of the Eufaula tournament and the Angler of the Year standings.