Minutes October 2, 2012

Tallahassee Bass Anglers

Meeting Minutes

October 2, 2012


Dallas Johnson, Don Gainey, John Waugh, John Rudolph, Billy Owens, Mike Thomas, Bob McCann, Les Shope, Larry Morris, Jason Junkin, Dick Durbin, Rick Johnson, Jeff White, Marty Spears, John Harrison, Brooks Woodward, and Danny Miranda (Guest)

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.


Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as posted to the web site with the correction that the first meeting in November would be held at Billy Owens' shop rather than the second meeting of October.  Bob McCann moved to accept.  Marty Spears seconded the motion and the club approved.

Treasurer's Report:

Rick Johnson reported that the club had the following:

    Cash          $414.37
    Bank       $2,630.42
    Credits   $1,148.64

    Total        $1,896.15

Bob McCann moved to accept the report, Larry Morris seconded the motion, and the club voted to approve.


Danny Miranda introduced himself and expressed a desire to pledge.

Election of Officers:

Two positions were up for election: Secretary and Rules Chairman.  Mike Thomas was the only one who offered to serve as Secretary. 

Bob McCann and Larry Morris both had expressed the desire to serve as Rules Chairman.  Mike Thomas nominated Don Gainey.  Dick Durbin moved to close nominations; John Harrison seconded and the club approved.

A secret ballot was taken and Don Gainey was elected Rules Chairman.

Tournament of Champions:

Dick Durbin reviewed the Panhandle Tournament of Champions to take place on Lake Talquin on October 27.  A show of hands indicated that there was probably enough interest in the tournament to field a team of eight anglers.  Don Gainey suggested that the members who chose to fish it get together and work out a game plan before hand to maximize the club's catch.  It was determined that the question of which members would be fishing the tournament would be decided at the second meeting in October.

Blackshear Tournament:

In John Vickers' absence, John Rudolph reviewed the results of the Lake Blackshear tournament and the Angler of the Year standings.

Dollar Pot:

Jason Junkin won the dollar pot.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.