Meeting Minutes – 10/15/13
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President John Rudolph.
MEMBERS PRESENT: John Rudolph, Cody Carnline, Billy Owens, Rodger Timmons, Rick Johnson, Mike Thomas, Don Gainey, Dusty Stacy, Justin Sutton, John Beal, Dick Durbin, Les Shope, Larry Morris, Dallas Johnson, David Heflin(p).
MEETING AGENDA: The meeting agenda was reviewed. It was accepted by general consensus.
PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: John Rudolph advised that the minutes from the meeting of 10/01/13 had been posted on the web site, and asked if there were any changes. There were none. Rodger Timmons moved that the minutes be accepted as posted; Dusty Stacy seconded the motion. The motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Rick Johnson provided the following treasurer’s report:
On Hand: $ 339.44
Checking $3,593.62
Credits $1,635.54
Balnace $2,297.52
Billy Owens moved to accept the treasurer’s report; Larry Morris seconded the motion. The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.
INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: Dick Durbin introduced Everett Ogilvie as a guest and potential pledge. Everett recently moved to the Tallahassee area from West Palm Beach. He lives on Lake Talquin. He said that he has never caught a bass; he wants to learn how to catch them. His comment was “at the end of the day, all I have is a wet lure”.
Definition of Inactive Member: Mike Thomas presented a proposed change to the section of the bylaws that deals with Membership Termination. Currently, we are at times having problems with the lack of a quorum of members present at the meetings. This is due, in part, to the “inactive” members in the club. Currently, the bylaws have no way to deal with inactive members. The proposed changes would place these people in an Inactive status, and they would not be counted as part of the “active membership” when a quorum is necessary to transact business. This will be discussed further, and voted on at the first meeting in January.
Jerseys: Brooks Woodward, who is heading up the design and purchase of new club jerseys, was unable to be at the meeting. John advised that Brooks has not gotten the “proof” back yet, so the jerseys have not been ordered. Everyone needs to make sure that they have conveyed to Brooks what size and sleeve-length they want, and if they want their name on the back. The club is purchasing the jerseys, but if the member wants their name on the back, they must pay the additional $10.00. David Heflin asked if the pledges would be allowed to buy a jersey. John Rudolph advised that they could order a jersey after they were voted in, but that the cost would be higher because of the quantity discount the club is getting. Larry Morris brought up the pledges going ahead and ordering a jersey, with the pledge bearing all the expense. After brief discussion, this was agreed to by general consensus. This will allow David to take advantage of the quantity discount the club is getting.
Tournament of Champions: There was a meeting of all members fishing the Tournament of Champions, which is being held on 10/26/13. This meeting was held immediately after the clubs regular meeting.
DOLLAR POT: The dollar pot was won by David Heflin.
Tournament chairman John Vickers was absent from the meeting. Mike Thomas coordinated the pairings for the Lake Talquin tournament to be held on 10/19/13. Prior to the draw, Dusty Stacy asked if he could be put into the draw as a boater, but be insured that he would be paired with a boater. Dusty has a new VRO injection pump ordered for his motor, but it is not in yet. He wanted the option to fish from his boat if the pump arrived in time for him to get it installed for the tournament. It was explained that there is no way to guarantee he would be drawn out with another boater, unless he put in as a non-boater.
Draw for Lake Talquin tournament to be held 10/19/2013 – safe daylight to 4:00 p.m.:
Dallas Johnson-David Heflin
Marty Spears-Don Gainey
Billy Owens-Les Shope
John Rudolph-Cody Carnline
Rodger Timmons-Larry Morris
Rick Johnson-John Beal
Justin Sutton-Dusty Stacy
Mike Thomas-Dick Durbin
Jim Hughey
John Vickers
ADJOURN: There being no further business; Rodger Timmons moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Larry Morris. The meeting was adjourned at 8:13 p.m.