Meeting Minutes – 09/03/13
The meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by President John Rudolph.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob McCann, Justin Sutton, Dusty Stacy, Marty Spears, Billy Owens, Rodger Timmons, John Beal, Rick Johnson, Mike Thomas, John Vickers, John Rudolph, Brooks Woodward, Larry Morris, Wayne Moore (G), Cody Carnline (P).
MEETING AGENDA: The meeting agenda was reviewed. Justin Sutton added discussion of the Tournament of Champions. It was then accepted by general consensus.
PRIOR MEETING MINUTES: John Rudolph advised that the minutes of the prior meeting had been posted on the website. He asked if there were any changes or additions to the minutes. There being none, Justin Sutton moved that the reading of the minutes be waived; this was seconded by Dusty Stacy; the motion passed. John Rudolph then asked for a motion to accept the minutes as they stood; Justin Sutton made the motion; this was seconded by Dusty Stacy; the motion passed.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Rick Johnson provided the following treasurer’s report:
On Hand:
$ 417.02
Checking: $3,597.04
Rodger Timmons moved to accept the treasurer’s report; John Beal seconded the motion. The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.
INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: John Rudolph introduced Wayne Moore as a guest and potential pledge. Wayne told everyone that, for the past several years, he had been more of an in-shore fisherman than a bass fisherman; however he wanted to get back into bass fishing and learn a lot more about it.
Membership Roster: John Vickers brought up the fact that we have several members on the roster that are partially inactive and one member who has not been present at a club function all year. This creates a problem when we need to conduct business that requires a quorum of the membership. He brought up that Hunter Peacock has not been active all year. Some of the members mentioned that they had called and left a message for Hunter, but he has not called them back. Billy Owens presented a motion that Hunter be removed from the membership, as he has not met the minimum participation requirements. This was seconded by Mike Thomas. The motion carried.
New Member Vote: The club was scheduled to vote on Cody Carnline as a new member at this meeting. However we were unable to do so, as this requires attendance by a minimum of 70% of the membership.
September Tournament: John Vickers and Mike Thomas went to the landing from which the tournament is scheduled to leave. John reported that the river is down a good bit, is still flowing fast, but it appears that it would be safe to hold the tournament. It was decided that, unless something major happens, the tournament will remain as-is.
Club Jerseys: Brooks Woodward reported on the club jerseys, and even brought one of his as a sample, although it was dirty. He said that we can get the $39.00 per-jersey price if we order 10 jerseys alike, meaning the same printing and same sleeve. John Vickers brought up that the club is pretty flush right now, and made a motion that the club would buy one jersey for each member and, if they want their name on it, they can pay the additional $10.00. The motion was seconded by Rodger Timmons. The motion carried.
Tournament of Champions: Justin Sutton and Dusty Stacy provided more detailed information on the Tournament of Champions. They advised when and where, along with additional details. It appears that there is sufficient interest that the Tallahassee Bass Anglers will be represented this year.
DOLLAR POT: The dollar pot was won by Larry Morris.
Current Angler of the Year Standings: (with 1 drop)
Justin Sutton
Les Shope
John Vickers
Dick Durbin
Marty Spears
Dallas Johnson
John Rudolph
John Beal
Mike Thomas
Dusty Stacy
Results of Lake Talquin tournament held 08/24/2013.
Dick Durbin
Marty Spears
John Vickers
Rodger Timmons
Dallas Johnson
Mike Thomas
John Beal
Patrick Dooley
Brooks Woodward
ADJOURN: There being no further business; Rick Johnson moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was seconded by John Vickers. The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 p.m.